From Farmer to Entrepreneur: Arup Kumar Ghosh Earns Rs 4 Crore Annually

Arup Kumar Ghosh, a 32 year old college dropout student from Kolaghat, West Bengal. Grew up in a flower production area and found potential in Floriculture.

Noticed stagination in traditional farming methods, dropped out of college in 2010 to pursue flower farming.

Started with job at Hyderabad Gudimalkapur Flower Market, earning Rs. 3,500 monthly.

Began selling marigold strings and gladiolus upon returning to Kolaghat, made profit of 2000-3000 on 100 strings.

Visited Thailand in 2011 to learn about high quality marigold varite, there he acquired knowledge and seeds including Tennis Ball Marigold variety.

Expanded cultivation from 0.25 to 1.3 and eventually 13 acres, Sold premium marigold flowers and seeds sold in main markets of Gujrat, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan.

Generates annual revenue of Rs. 4 crore, Sells 1,200 kg of marigold seeds at Rs 25,000 per kg, amounting to Rs 3 crore, Earns Rs 1 crore from selling marigold sapling's at 40 paise per piece.

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